5 Dictionary data types
1. Dictionary is a collection of key value pairs.
2. Using dictionary we can represent data meningfully.
3. Based on key we can do operation on each value.
4. Using curly brackets "{}" we can create a dictionary
5. dictionary is a mutable object
# To create a dictionary
emp_det = {'ename':'umamahesh', 'eid':36, 'dname':'IT', 'did':45, 'age':33}
# emp = {'ename':'umamahesh', True:36, None:'IT', 99:45, 88.90:33}
# To update
emp_det['dname'] = 'SALES'
# To Delete particular key value pair
del emp_det['eid']
# To delete total dictionary
del emp_det
# To print particular key value pair
# ******* to update dictionary or add at end
{'ename': 'umamahesh', 'eid': 36, 'dname': 'SALES', 'did': 45, 'age': 33, 'sal': 30000}
# To print total list
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