23 Praramiko module
1. Praramiko module is used to do operations on remote machine.
2. used to run commands on remote host and copy file from local to remote and remote to local.
1. To install module ==> python -m pip install paramiko
import paramiko
h_name = ''
u_name ='siellamp'
p_word = '8Aug2019'
port_no = 22
# To create ssh object
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
# To avoid popups
# To create a connection on remote machine
ssh.connect(h_name, username=u_name, password=p_word, port=port_no)
# To run commnd on remote host
stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command('mkok /home/smellamp/sriram/RAMESH')
# To get command output
print(' \n stdout is ::', stdout.readlines())
# To get error message if any failures
print(' \n stderr is ::', stderr.read())
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