Python Programming tutorial provides basic and advanced concepts of Python programming. This Python programming tutorial is designed for beginners and professionals. Python is a simple, general purpose, high level, and object-oriented programming language. In this we have different chapter and their concepts Python Programming : tokens, literals, identifiers, keywords, special symbols and operators; fundamental data types, expressions, type conversions, handling Input and output in Python. Selection Statements : if statement, if-else statement, if-elif-else statement, nested-if statement. Iterative Statements : while loop, for loop, break statement, continue statement, pass and else statements used with loops. Sequences : Lists and operations - creating, inserting elements, updating elements, deleting elements, searching and sorting, list comprehensions, nested lists; tuples - creating, searching and sorting, nested tuples; strings - Initializing a...
''' 1. Tuple is used to store multiple values and we can do operation on each value based on index. 2. Tuple is a read only object, we can't do update,insert and delete operations. 3. Using parentheses "()" we can create a tuple 4. tuple is a immutable object 5. To store sensitive data we use tuple. ''' # To create a tuple names = ('umamahesh','kumar','balu','ram', 567, 99.9) # Tuple doesn't support for item deltion and update names[3] = 'ok' del names[3] # To print particular value based on index print(names[4]) print(names[-1]) # To delete a total tuple del names
''' 1. An abstract method is a method that is declared, but contains no implementation. 2. By defining an abstract base class, you can define a common API for a set of subclasses. 3. By using abc module we can define abstract class. ''' from abc import ABCMeta,abstractmethod class One(metaclass=ABCMeta): @abstractmethod def add(self): print(' \n ONE ADD ') @abstractmethod def sub(self): pass #a = One() #a.add() ## If you inheritence an abstaruact class you should impliment that all those methods which are abstract ,methods class Two(One): def add(self): print(" \n TWO ADD") def sub(self): print(' \n TWO SUB') ins = Two() ins.add() ins.sub()
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